Jul 31, 2007

Whitman hatchet job

Former Governor Christine Todd Whitman mimics Mitt Romney's out-of-context attacks on Barack Obama at Politics NJ, calling him "far-left" and engaging in "extremism."

As evidence, she cites Obama's support of ""age-appropriate sexual education" for students in kindergarten" -- so Whitman is saying she's taking the extremist position against teaching kids about inappropriate touching and that they should tell a trusted adult if it happens. She chides him for agreeing to "engage in negotiations with dictators like Kim Jong-Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Hugo Chavez" -- so she's taking the extremist position and following the Bush precedent of anti-diplomacy.

"Further," Whitman writes, "he said he would walk the picket line with strikers as President." Yeah, what a whacko.

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