Jul 22, 2007

Sunday's reads

'Echoes of '68' - Ed Kilgore - The Democratic Strategist.
There is more than a bit of historical irony in Edwards' invocation of RFK's 1968 campaign. One of the most famous moments in that campaign was during the debate between RFK and Gene McCarthy on the eve of the California primary, just prior to Kennedy's assassination.
'George Bush I' - Ted Widmer - The New York Times Magazine.
George Bush was a bona fide New York intellectual: a dabbler in esoteric religions whose opinions were described as, yes, “liberal”; a journalist and an academic who was deeply conversant with the traditions of the Middle East.
'Back to the Future' - John B. Judis & Rui Teixeira - The American Prospect.
In 2006 the turn to the Democrats went well beyond those offices directly concerned with the war in Iraq or affected by congressional scandals.

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